Sunday, November 10, 2013

Escape Plan

Stallone and Schwarzenegger in the same movie just makes me happy and filled with 80's & 90's joy. That's a combo 80's teens have been waiting on for decades.  Arnold's cameo in The Expendables was just a tease, but this gives just a little bit more of what we've been waiting for.
    Now it's not the level of action film we'd hope to see from these two together, buts it's definitely a good watch. Although in great physical shape, these guys are pushing 70... real quick. But back to the movie. The synopsis is Stallone works for a security agency that tests the integrity of prisons. While working in an  ultra-secret, high-tech facility called "The Tomb." he is wrongly imprisoned, and calls upon the help of fellow inmate
Schwarzenegger to escape.
   I really don't have much of an issue with this movie at all. It actually was a great action film. well thought out story line and plot, and it didn't push the guys to a point where it looked like a BEN-GAY commercial.  My only gripe is with the actor who played the warden, Jim Caviezel. You may know him as the lead character from the show Person of Interest.  This may just be my own personal issues with him though. I think he is just so blah and lackluster. He actually bores me so much that I wanna nap. Same goes for his character in the tv show... snoooooze. BUT  a good friend pointed out to me that this is the same guy who played Jesus, in The Passion of the Christ...( think back.. hmmm YUUUP that was him).  So I can't totally count him out.  I just think, in an action film, if you are going to have a villain ( in which you must), at least make him menacing and believably evil. There is actually a scene where he's examining a butterfly to which he's adding to his collection. Really ??? an evil Lepidopterist ???  I just can't...  But anyway I'm gonna give this one 3 1/2 out of  5 stars. I think it's worth seeing and if nothing else, FREAKIN RAMBO AND THE TERMINATOR IN THE SAME MOVIE !! 

As always, support your favorite actors and theaters.. bootlegging is to see movies...'cause God knows I don't.
J. Russell

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Enders' Game

      Hmmm ok where to start...  I'm not gonna say that I didn't like it. I really did enjoy it. and being that it's adapted from a short story written in 1977, then a full on novel in 1985. then revised and updated in 1991, to the finished product we have today... it's very well done. Visually its beautiful. IMAX 3D, totally awesome. But story wise.. for me, it was a tad bit lacking.

  ( No spoilers ) The synopsis is, Earth was invaded by aliens in 2086. Mazer Rackham, commander of a small patrol force outwitted the aliens and saved the world while sacrificing himself. Hailed as a strategic genius, Earths forces searched and trained young students hoping to find someone with those same qualities and abilities, because they knew the aliens would return one day.  I'll stop there. 
      All that's good and well. Where the movie lost me is,  not the fact they put the fate of the world in the hands of this kid but they apparently only felt the need to give that kid a few weeks of training to do it... Then take a HUGE gamble. ( I can't stress HUGE enough) that he was ready. Also the blatant setup for part 2 which really looks like its gonna suck majorly .. I could be wrong.
 Asa Butterfield as Andrew "Ender" Wiggins did a great job. As expected Harrison Ford, Viola Davis, and Ben Kingsley. were perfect in their roles, what little screen time there actually was.

   My advice is, if you are going to see it in theaters...Matinee all the way. Full evening prices is NOT the way to go. It is a bootleggin' pirates dream though. Well worth the download time.  I give it 3 out 5 stars.  
As always, support your favorite actors and theaters.. bootlegging is to see movies...'cause God knows I don't.
J. Russell

Captain Phillips

                           I will be the first one to admit, I had no desire to see this movie other than for review purposes only. I will also be the first to admit.. it was damn good. Unless you lived under a rock, you pretty much know the basic story.  Captain Phillips (Hanks) runs a cargo ship off the coast of Africa, and is attacked by Somali pirates. But even with knowing the ending, 2hr and 13 minutes later I was left with an elevated heart rate, a better understand of both, the captains, and the pirates plight, and another reason to further appreciate the A list actor that Tom hanks is. Oh and the actors that played the lead pirates weren't to shabby either and held up extremely well along side Hanks.  All in all, I wouldn't have minded if I had paid to see the film, but being a bootlegging pirate myself, we know this ain't happening.  Its a great Saturday flick to watch. PG-13.. a little blood and violence.   I give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

**** Spoiler Alerts below. ****
I only had two major issues with this film. One being that no one, no body, no where on this ship did anyone have any weapons. No handguns, rifles, no even a slingshot. And it well established in the movie that the crew and captain know the dangers of these waters.  Kinda odd.  
   and 2, the whole "shaky camera" effect that being widely used in recent films. I mean i understand that it's used to add intensity an chaos to the scenes but coupled with already being on choppy waters, I was getting more sea sick than excited. But still worth the watch.

As always, support your favorite actors and theaters.. bootlegging is to go see movies...'cause God knows I don't.
J. Russell